Excessive, unrealistic worry, Restlessness, Difficulty sleeping.
Anxiety is a feeling of being overwhelmed because you think you do not meet perceived standards and mistakenly believe the world has no place for you.
Because mental health can interfere with our perception of perfection, it remains all too often accepting imperfection as a taboo.
As a result, there is too much silent suffering and despair. Due to untreated anxiety and depression, hopelessness, battling deep guilt, and irrational thoughts can become consumed by reoccurring thoughts of death.
Challenges often indicate a need for additional tools and support and are not character defects.

Thoughts have a strong influence on feelings, and feelings have a strong influence on behavior. You may have had…….

- Tendency to be very good at coming up with negative scenarios in your imagination.
- Tendency to assign high values to those negative possibilities, making them seem even worse than they might appear to another person
- Tendency to perceive negative events as more likely to happen than is realistically true.
- The main way our anxiety system does this is by causing us to want to avoid things that trigger anxiety.
A large part of an anxiety problem is getting stuck in and endlessly trying to push away an unpleasant or scary thought, instead of stopping, it ends up having the thought occur more and more.
This can happen with regular worries, such as succeeding at work or staying healthy. You might get trapped in an endless cycle of worry and trying not to worry. Anxiety is treatable. Home life can improve by having fewer arguments and by the ability to make family plans that don’t center on your anxiety.
Anxiety can be overcome in your home and work interactions and relationships, as well as your sense of well-being.
Why do we experience Anxiety?
All things you do, and do not are impacted by anxiety. The job of the anxiety system is to keep us away from harm.
The main way our anxiety system does this is by causing us to want to avoid things that trigger anxiety. If the anxiety system made us want to do the opposite—to approach the things that trigger anxiety—then it would be doing a very poor job of keeping us out of harm’s way! You may have noticed things you are unwilling to do because of anxiety or things you do only with more difficulty than you would expect. You may fear storms, for example, not want to travel out of town if the sky is overcast. You may have a presentation due before class or your staff and skip school or work instead. That is just your anxiety system saying, “Danger—Keep Out!”
Over time, your anxiety problems tend to gradually increase and broaden the circle of things you avoid. This is also a natural tendency of the anxiety system and a useful one in many situations.
For example, if you had an unpleasant encounter with a dog, you might develop a preference for avoiding all dogs. This kind of generalization of avoidance does have some unfortunate side effects.
It means that over time your anxiety might have an increasingly serious impact on your ability to function in daily life.

Studies support the evidence that anxiety disorders “run in families,” as some families have a higher-than-average amount of anxiety disorders among relatives.
A stressful or traumatic event such as abuse, the death of a loved one, violence or prolonged illnesses is often linked to the development of an anxiety disorder.
I Am Here to Help

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the United States. Over 40 million adults in the U. S. (19.1%) have an anxiety disorder.
Meanwhile, approximately 7% of children aged 3-17 experience issues with anxiety each year. Most people develop symptoms before the age of 21 years old.
The most up-to-date and effective care is “evidence-based-practice” for anxiety treatment and would include the tools and strategies to help reduce your anxiety and fear, as well as any other trauma-related problems you may have.
Through exposure exercises and emotional processing, you will learn that you can safely remember your trauma and the events surrounding it. Breathing techniques will help you tolerate your anxiety and decrease your feelings of distress.
It's Time for Change
If you are seeking counseling, your view of the world has been turned upside down in a whirlwind of fear and anxiety. Chances are your heart has been chattered because of loss and disappointment.
Change is possible if you desire to be happy and are willing to learn to trust yourself and others. Having confidence in your therapist is paramount for building your trust and feeling safe in expressing anxiety symptoms of your fears, avoidance, triggers, and warning signs.

Help is Just a Call Away
We’re looking forward to helping you take the first step
Click below to schedule an appointment or call directly at (844) 502-7283